Montreal Workshop – Venture Capital and Private Equity in Québec

Each year, billons of dollars are invested in Québec’s private equity.  Clean technologies, life sciences, fintech, information and communications technology are all sectors that benefit from these investments.  Where is Québec in relation to the rest of Canada and elsewhere?  Let’s take a look at this sector, unknown, yet so important to Québec’s economy.

Click here for more information

BC Workshop – Economic Outlook

Join the BC Workshop as they welcome Helmut Pastrick, Chief Economist for Central 1 Credit Union, who will provide attendees with his annual BC economic review of 2017 and outlook for 2018.

Practice Inspection Q&A

Join Bob Boulton (EVP & COO) and Christine Sawchuk (Director, Education and Accreditation) as they provide an overview of the CICBV’s Practice Inspection Program, address frequently-asked questions, and take questions from Members.   Any work product which is subject to the CICBV’s Practice Standards, and that is issued on or after January 1, 2018 will be subject to selection for inspection commencing in 2019.  Compliance with the Practice Inspection Program will be mandatory. 

The establishment of a Practice Inspection Program is consistent with the CICBV’s commitment to professional excellence for the benefit of the public interest. It is also is in line with the practices of other professions, and serves to:

  • Enhance the confidence that the public and regulatory or other bodies have in the CBV profession; and
  • Assist in maintaining or improving the quality of services provided.

This webinar is limited to 100 registrants.  Register now to secure your spot!

BVR Webinar – The Essentials of CAPM Beta

Betas are misunderstood, misapplied and, often, feared. A key feature of the CAPM is “beta” that represents an asset’s exposure to market risk. Practitioners using the CAPM or its modified form must determine a beta value to apply the model for cost of capital calculations. Join Dr. Michael Crain and Dr. Bill Kennedy for an exploration of the theory and evidence of CAPM beta, use of beta in valuation practice, and the link between capital structure and beta.

Click here to review the agenda and learning objectives.

Valuing Automobile Dealerships: Industry Changes and Recent Transaction Trends

The issues associated with the valuation of automobile dealerships are similar to many other companies.  Nevertheless, the industry has many unique characteristics that require deep specialized knowledge by the valuation professional.  Join Stephen Kertzman (Kertzman Valuation) and Charles Seguin (Seguin Advisory Services) as they review current industry trends, discusses the key profit centres and value drivers for the dealerships, ways to differentiate between operating and financing debt and provides an overview of recent transaction data and trends.

Click here for more information.

Montreal Holiday Social Event

The Montreal Workshop Committee invites you to join us for a much-awaited social and networking event on Thursday December 7, 2017.  Please join us to enjoy connecting or reconnecting with fellow valuators and to celebrate the students success.

Space is limited to only 70 individuals.  Register early so as not to miss this must-attend event of the year!

BVR Webinar – Modeling and Pricing Event Risk

Many private companies are exposed to event risks such as the loss of a major customer. A common practice to account for this risk is to leave expected cash flows unchanged but add a few hundred basis points to the discount rate. Join Gary Schurman to learn how to build a quantitative valuation model that accounts for event risk and is consistent with economic theory. Learn the difference between diffusion and jump-diffusion asset price models, and how to model event risk via exponential arrival times. Take the time to better understand how event risk can be incorporated in your next valuation model.

Click here for more information. BVR webinars have a US focus.

BVR Webinar – Business Prenups, Relationship Counseling, and Corporate Divorce: Business Lifecycles and their Impact on Valuation

Healthy business relationships are an essential component of business success. As an advisor it is important to recognize the foundations of a healthy business relationship and to account for same in valuing a business. Join William Piercy and Mark Zyla for a discussion on the factors that improve or detract from productive business relationships and the impact of those factors on the value of a business. If internal dissension within the management, operations or ownership of a closely held business cause a business to begin to fail from the inside it is critical to know methods to maintain an entity’s value. Learn skills to assist business owners to bring a successful and efficient resolution in the event of a “business divorce”, and help end bad business relationships so your clients can move forward with better ones.

Click here for more information.

Montreal Workshop – Confessions of a Sell-Side Equity Researcher: Opportunities and Pitfalls in Using Analyst Research in Business Valuations

Sell-side analyst research can provide useful insights for valuators and can be a powerful element of a valuator’s analytical toolkit. But without some basic understanding of what sell-side research is and how it is produced, pitfalls can arise in using it. In this Montreal workshop, you will hear the perspective of Adam Johnson, CBV who helped launch an equity research franchise at a Big 5 Canadian investment bank before moving back to the world of notional valuations. The goal of the workshop is twofold: first, to give participants insight into how the sell-side equity research business operates, and second, to provide opportunities for participants to see hands-on examples of analyst reports and look at specific ways in which analyst research can be used to strengthen valuation analysis in both notional and deal-oriented settings.

Click here for more information.  Register early – space is limited to 60.

BVR Webinar – Getting Better Probability Estimates from Your Clients: A Practical Approach

Getting clients to provide probability estimates is a part of many valuation engagements, but is one of the least rigorous, and hardest to document and defend, estimates in a valuation. In this program, James Walling, CFA, MBA (Grant Thornton, LLP) will help you to understand the hidden bias in most probability estimates and offer a practical method for getting your clients to get past these biases and provide better estimates. This process will also provide a basis for documenting the considerations that went into the estimate for report and audit review.

As with all BVResources Webinars, this webinar has a U.S. focus.  Click here for more information on the agenda and learning objectives.

BVR Webinar – Valuing Franchises – Beyond Restaurants

Hertz. Marriott. RE/MAX. Franchises are everywhere. Join expert Nevin Sanli (Sanli Pastore & Hill) for an overview on franchises, the franchisor and franchisee relationship, and key terms found in franchise disclosure documents agreements. Learn the key considerations and potential challenges that may arise while valuing non-food franchisors or franchisees. With over 30 years of experience, Nevin Sanli will share a detailed case study on the valuation of a franchisee that will provide real-time insight into the thought process as you evaluate the franchisee’s business model, historical financials, projected representative financials, and guideline private transactions to determine the fair market value of a 100% controlling, marketable interest in the franchisee. Invest in this informative, practical session that will facilitate expansion of your franchise valuation skills.

As with all BVResources Webinars, this webinar has a U.S. focus.  Click here for more information on the agenda and learning objectives.

Hotel Valuation Methodology

How does one appraise a hotel? Is it all about the bricks and mortar or about the business value? How is hotel appraisal different than other asset classes? Join Monique Rosszwell, Managing Director at HVS as she provides an a-z overview of the method that Stephen Rushmore, the founder of HVS, created and has been adopted by both the American Appraisal Institute as well as the Appraisal Institute of Canada.

Key tax, financial and financing aspects of a family business transfer transaction

The taxation planning of a family business transition is a key element but the financial side of the transaction is even more important. Finances Canada will make adjustments to grant tax relief for business transfers between family members. A transaction at the Fair Market Value and a Price-Adjustment Clause is generally used in order to avoid adverse tax consequences. However, the business owner must look at the impact on their own financial planning with respect to the funding of their retirement. The global vision of the transfer must also take into consideration many aspects such as Estate Planning, Risk Management, Tax Optimization and Asset Management. Join the National Bank of Canada panel as they also address the financing aspects of a business transfer transaction and present ways to structure such a transaction.

Melinda Olliver, Senior Advisor, National Bank of Canada
Daniel Laverdiere, Senior Manager – Wealth Management 1859, National Bank of Canada
Eric Girard, MBA, P.Ag, Senior Manager, National Bank of Canada
Julie Morand, M.Sc. CPA, Assistant Vice-President – Business Transfer, National Bank of Canada



Valuation and M&A in the Capital Markets: Approaches and Application

Join Michael Scott, Director in the investment banking group at RBC Capital Markets, as he discusses the following topics related to valuation and M&A in capital markets:

  • Scenarios in which we conduct valuations in investment banking
  • Common approaches to value in investment banking
  • Walkthroughs of common investment banking valuation approaches:
    • Public market comparables
    • Precedent transactions
    • Discounted cash flow
    • Other secondary approaches to valuation including leveraged buyout, liquidation value, etc.
  • Overview of M&A in the capital markets
    • Types of transactions
    • Our role as a financial advisor
    • Overview of a sell-side process
    • Ways to bridge a value gap between buyer and seller
    • Overview of ‘deal protection’ measures

Click here for more information.

Confessions of a Sell-Side Equity Researcher: Opportunities and Pitfalls in Using Analyst Research in Business Valuations

Sell-side analyst research can provide useful insights for valuators and can be a powerful element of a valuator’s analytical toolkit. But without some basic understanding of what sell-side research is and how it is produced, pitfalls can arise in using it. Join Adam Johnson, Principal at Synthesis Valuations, to hear the perspective of a CBV who helped launch an equity research franchise at a Big 5 Canadian investment bank before moving back to the world of notional valuations. The goal of the workshop is twofold: first, to give participants insight into how the sell-side equity research business operates, and second, to provide opportunities for participants to see hands-on examples of analyst reports and look at specific ways in which analyst research can be used to strengthen valuation analysis in both notional and deal-oriented settings.

Registration is limited to 40 attendees.  

Click here for more information.

Marketing Your Professional Services Firm in 2017

What is a brand? How do you find your people, and how much should you invest? Sales and marketing tactics have changed dramatically over the past decade, and professional services firms are still playing catch up. Jeremy Hessing-Lewis, J.D., M.Sc. will discuss the state of professional services marketing in 2017, including traditional versus digital networking, physical versus web presence, and making the most of adwords & search engine optimization. Mr. Hessing-Lewis will also touch on ethical considerations such as online targeting, and practical issues such as maintaining your marketing investments.

Click here for more information.

Economic and stock market trends: impact of recent global events

The CICBV Montreal workshop committee would like to invite you to our next breakfast conference on Wednesday April 12 from 8:00 to 10:00, at the offices of MNP located at 1155, boul. René-Lévesque W., 23rd floor. Our guest speakers, Ms. Anastasia Rawicz, Investment Advisor, TD Wealth, and Mr. Brad Simpson, Chief Strategist, Private Services, TD Wealth, will address the latest economic events and stock market trends.

The discussion will focus on foreseen trends, opportunities, and threats to consider in the management of investments. Brad and Anastasia will, among other things, discuss investment strategies with a view to controlling risk in these increasingly unpredictable and volatile markets.

Click here for more information.

Impact of Trusts on Family Law

Join our experts, Stacie Glazman (LL.B, LL.M, CBV), Ian Hull (LL.B.) and Dwayne Pyper (CPA, CA, CBV, Q.Med) as they discuss the impact of trusts on family law.  Topics discussed in this webinar will include:

  • General Principles
    • Discretionary Trusts
    • Family Trusts
    • Inter Vivos Trusts
    • Precedent setting cases
    • Arbitration vs. Trial?
  • Trust “do’s and don’ts”
    • Sham Trusts
    • Spousal Trusts
    • “In Trust For” Trusts
    • Tangential Trusts
    • Choice of Trustee
  • Mechanics of Valuing Trusts
  • Impact of Trusts on Income for Support

Click here for more information

Pitfalls in the use of WACC

Although discounting free cash flows by WACC is widely used in the valuation of assets, its use involves many assumptions that are not likely to hold in practice. Moreover, it is limited in dealing with many realistic non-operating cash flows. Join Ron Giammarino, Professor of Finance with the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia, as he provides an overview of the problems associated with WACC and show how Adjusted Present Value or Valuation by Components can overcome these shortfalls. Ron will also discuss how APV can be used to account for debt guarantees, tax loss carry-forwards, and expected value of tax shields.

Click here for more information.

International Business Valuation Standards and Ethics Course

The International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC), the global standard setter for valuation practice and the valuation profession, has launched International Valuation Standards 2017 (IVS 2017).  The iiBV, together with its member associations, leads the business valuation profession globally by providing educational opportunities, promoting consistent professional ethics and standards. 

It is our privilege at the CICBV, as a founding iiBV member and an IVSC member and sponsor, to be able to co-host with the iiBV its inaugural International Business Valuation Standards and Ethics course in Toronto, Canada on March 31, 2017. 

Register early to be a part of this milestone! Space will be limited.

About the Course

Borders and trade will continue to evolve unabated over the coming years.  Understanding the impact of international valuation standards is necessary for you to ensure that your business valuation opinions address all professional standards and meet the expectations of global clients. The IVSC is comprised of representatives from a wide range of sectors, including professional valuation institutes, valuation providers, standard setters, regulators of valuation services and academia from around the world that are focused on the development of valuation practice and ethics standards. The IVS 2017 course offered by the iiBV takes their best thinking, applies it in a comprehensive case-study format that follows the logical steps of an actual valuation engagement, and provides support materials and a collaborative peer environment to round out the full day session.

Click here for more information

2017 National Conference

Continuing Education hours – 14 hours

[accordion title="Conference Organizing Committee"]
Julie Martel – Chair, CBV – Director Mergers & Acquisitions – Industrial Alliance
Stephen Kertzman, CBV – Director, Valuations & Litigation Support – BDO Canada LLP
Michael Carnegie, CBV – Partner – Taylor Leibow LLP Monika Manza, CBV – Partner – KPMG LLP
Nicholas Correia, CBV – Valuation Specialist – Canada Revenue Agency Aroon Sequeira, CBV – Founder – Sequeira Partners Inc.
Viviane Dorval, CBV – CEO – Le Groupe Diapason Inc. Amanda Tso, CBV – Director, Finance & Valuations – OMERS Private Markets
Drew Dorweiler, CBV – Managing Partner – Dartmouth Partners Limited Christine Sawchuk, CBV – Director, Education – CICBV
  Deborah Hanlon – CICBV Events Manager Toronto – ON

[/accordion][accordion title="Cancellation Policy"]

Cancellation Policy

  • Before May 1, 2017 – 60% refund
  • After May 1, 2017 – no refund will be given however substitution of person to this conference will be permitted.  Refunds will not be applied to future conferences.

For further information, call Deborah Hanlon at 416.613.9552 or email

[/accordion][accordion title="Conference Material"]

The following conference presentations have been provided by the presenter:

[/accordion][accordion title="Hotel Information"] 

HILTON QUEBEC – Quebec City – ROOM BLOCK IS SOLD OUT – please book your room at the Hotel Chateau Laurier (information below)

Please book your hotel accommodations at the time of registration as space is very limited.  This is peak time at the hotel and our room block/hotel is guaranteed to sell out quickly.  The cut-off date for our conference rate is May 12, 2017. The following room rates are available and prices are based on single & double occupancy rooms:

  • $ 229.00 – Laurentian & Parliament View (single or double occupancy)
  • $ 249.00 – Riverview (single or double occupancy)
  • $ 279.00 – Executive Floors (single or double occupancy)

To book a room:

When booking your room via telephone, our conference code is CICBV.  The conference rate is available from June 10 – June 19, 2017 pending room availability.

Hotel Chateau Laurier – ROOM BLOCK IS SOLD OUT

We have secured an additional small room block at Hotel Chateau Laurier which is about a 5 minute walk from the Quebec City Convention Centre.

The following room rates are based on single and double occupancy

  • $ 269 – Contemporary room

The cut-off date for our conference is May 15, 2017.  For reservations, please call 1.800.463.4453 and quote confirmation number 22388.

Hotel Chateau Bellevue – If you are looking for a budget friendly hotel,  you can book a room at this 48-room boutique hotel for a rate of $ 149.00.  This hotel is located in the Old City behind the Chateau Frontenac and is a 15-20 minute walk to the Quebec City Convention Centre.  For reservations, please call 1.800.463.2617 and quote confirmation number 22392.  Reservations must be made prior to April 30, 2017.


[/accordion][accordion title="Getting to Quebec City"] 

Air Canada is the Official Canadian Airline for the Conference

To book a flight with your promotion code, access and enter your promotion code in the search panel.


  • The booking is to be made to the following city: Quebec City, TQB (QC).
  • This Promo Code is available to the first 250 delegates who book their travel with Air Canada.
  • The travel period begins Tuesday, June 06, 2017 and ends Friday, June 23, 2017.
  • Travel is valid Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

No discount will apply to Tango bookings for travel within Canada or between Canada and the U.S. The discount rate is 10% on all other flights.

Ground transportation in Quebec City

Travel from the Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport to the downtown core takes approximately 20 minutes with the average taxi fare being approximately $ 40.00.

[/accordion][accordion title="Sponsoring or Exhibiting"]

If you are interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at the conference, please contact Deborah Hanlon at










Intangible Asset Valuation and Financial Reporting Symposium – SOLD OUT

As of late, the valuation of intangible assets, and the calculation of impairment on such assets, have become hot topics in the United States and around the world.  Regardless of the market in which a CBV practices, these valuation issues demand specialized technical knowledge which enables a CBV’s work to stand up to the scrutiny of clients, auditors, and tax and regulatory authorities.  This comprehensive and practical one-day symposium will provide participants with a good working understanding of the theory underlying, and practical mechanics relating to, the valuation of intangible assets and related financial reporting issues, including purchase price allocations and goodwill impairment.

Click here to review the detailed agenda of this important, not to be missed one day symposium.  Registration is limited to 25 attendees.

This symposium was previously offered in Victoria, BC on June 15, 2016 and in Toronto, ON on November 4, 2016.

Course Material

Part 1 – Overview of Valuation for Intangible Assets

Part 2 – Cost Approach

Part 3 – Market Approach

Part 4 – Income Approach

Part 5 – Relief from Royalty Approach

Part 6 – Multi-period Excess Earnings Approach

Part 7 – Overview of Financial Reporting Standards

Part 8 – Case Study – PPA

Part 9 – The PPA Report and Best Practices

Part 10 – Impairment

Part 11 – Case Study – Impairment

Montreal Workshop – Thumbs Up, or Two Thumbs Way Down? Rules of thumb in valuation

The Montreal Workshop Committee invites you to join us for an examination of the benefits and pitfalls of using rules of thumb in valuation:

  • Rules of thumb – an overview
  • Sources of rules of thumb data in valuations
  • Example – an examination of the “Business Reference Guide” by Tom West
  • Benefits and pitfalls of using rules of thumb to value business interests
  • Application example
  • Comments from Canadian Courts with regard to the use of rules of thumb for valuation purposes

Click here for more information

2017 Professional Development Day for Atlantic Canada Business Valuators

The Atlantic Workshop Committee is proud to present their annual professional development day.   Leading industry experts will discuss:

All CBV members, students and guests from across the country are welcome to attend.  Topics listed above may change.  Stay tuned for more information and confirmation of the upcoming sessions.

Merger and Acquisition Due Diligence: The Cyber Security Problem

Join Imran Ahmad (Partner, Miller Thomson) and Iain Paterson (Managing Director, CYCURA Inc) as they discuss the legal, financial and contractual risks associated with failure to properly assess security before, during and after a merger.  They will also speak directly to how these types of assessments could greatly impact the valuation of a firm that is the target of a merger.

Click here for more information.

BC Workshop – Economic Update

Join the BC Workshop as they welcome Helmut Pastrick, Chief Economist for Central 1 Credit Union, who will provide us with his annual BC economic review of 2016 and outlook for 2017.

Webinar – Open Forum

Join facilitator Dwayne Pyper, in this  continuation of the quarterly series of open forum webinars which provides an opportunity for discussion and collaboration on matters of mutual interest to CBVs.  The topics discussed can come from all aspects of your professional life, addressing varied issues affecting you in your daily practice.  The facilitator will assist the participants in a discussion of areas of common interest, based on suggestions provided by the participants prior to the forum, as well as matters brought to the CICBV’s attention as of late.

A specific item for discussion at this Open Forum will be an update on the CPA Provincial guidance with respect to independence standards and the impact it will have on firms with mixed assurance and valuation practices.  When you register, please submit additional topics you would like to discuss to 

Montreal Workshop – Holiday Social Event

The Montreal Workshop Committee invites you to join us for a much-awaited social and networking event on Tuesday December 6, 2016.  Please join us to enjoy connecting or reconnecting with fellow valuators and to celebrate the students success.  Space is limited to 70 – register early to secure your spot.

Real Estate vs Business Valuation Capitalization and Discount Rates: The Ultimate Exposé

Business valuators and real estate appraisers often use capitalization rates and discount rates to arrive at value conclusions; business valuators, to prepare valuation reports in respect of business interests; real estate appraisers, to prepare appraisal reports in respect of real estate assets.   Seemingly, business valuation and real estate capitalization and discount rates should be similar, if not identical.  However, the reality is that they are not, and there exists a considerable degree of confusion and misunderstanding between business valuators and real estate appraisers (and their clients) which respect to the differences between each.  

Now, for the first time ever, this webinar offers a clear and concise summary of the similarities and differences in the derivation, components, assumptions and uses of business valuation and real estate capitalization and discount rates.  We will examine, among other things, the methodologies by which each set of capitalization and discount rates are calculated, the cash flows used in each and related adjustments to the same, fundamental assumptions in each, and when each is appropriate and inappropriate to use.   

This webinar is essential if you are a business valuator who has ever reviewed a real estate appraisal report or worked with an appraiser, or vice versa, if you are an appraiser.  You will hear practical insights from two experienced CBVs and a real estate appraiser.  Join us early, stay late, ask lots of questions and expand your horizons.

Click here for more information

Webinar – Achieving Value through Public-Private Partnerships

Public infrastructure impacts the lives of every Canadian – from the water they drink to the roads they drive – and the quality and reliability of public assets play an important role in determining our overall quality of life. Join Mr. Stefan Dery, Director, Investments, PPP Canada to learn about the fundamentals of public-private partnerships, including value-for money, risk transfer, lifecycle considerations and how the approach can benefit Canadians.

Click here for more information

BC Workshop – An Introduction to the Canada Revenue Agency, Business Equity Valuations

The Business Equity Valuations Division of the Canada Revenue Agency operates as a support function for a variety of areas both within and outside of the Agency.  In concert with the Real Estate Appraisal Division all valuation/appraisal related matters are undertaken for Audit, Appeals, Collections and others.  Across Canada the Business Equity Valuations teams are almost universally comprised of accredited CBV members or students enrolled in the CICBV program of studies.  Ron Muller, Team Leader – Pacific Region, Canada Revenue Agency, will touch on the mandate and objectives of the unit, fair market value for purposes of the Income Tax Act, as well as some contentious issues with valuation reports submitted to the CRA.

Click here for more information

Calgary Workshop – Texas Scramble Golf Tournament

Join the Calgary Workshop as they host an afternoon of golf, fun and hopefully sun with a focus on getting to know other CBV members and students in the Calgary area.  The tournament is open to golfers and non-golfers of all skill levels.

Click here for more information. 

Search Like a Pro: Sources and Strategies for Conducting Effective Research

Information is everywhere, but do you find the right information when you need it? Whether you’re looking for guideline companies, current or historical forecasts for a specific industry, point-in-time economic indicators, or any other information, the accuracy and credibility of your report or expert testimony depends on the quality of the information on which it’s based.

Join Marjan Farahbaksh of FSO Research & Information to learn some tips and techniques to cut through information overload and find better-quality information faster. This webinar will help you:

  • Formulate effective research strategies
  • Use advanced techniques for making the most of Google
  • Know when and how to use alternatives to Google
  • Find credible data and information using the “hidden web”
  • Identify top free, low-cost, or pay-per-use databases


Webinar – Open Forum

Join facilitator Dwayne Pyper, in this  continuation of the quarterly series of open forum webinars which provides an opportunity for discussion and collaboration on matters of mutual interest to CBVs.  The topics discussed can come from all aspects of your professional life, addressing varied issues affecting you in your daily practice.  The facilitator will assist the participants in a discussion of areas of common interest, based on suggestions provided by the participants prior to the forum, as well as matters brought to the CICBV’s attention as of late such as:

  • Outstanding questions and discussion points stemming from October 12 webinar on Family Law issues with respect to Income for Support reports
  • CPA Guidance released October 26 with respect to independence standards and impact it will have on firms with mixed assurance and valuation practices.
  • What is approach to normalizing payroll for shareholders and related parties and where to find useful data?
  • How to review the balance sheet and identify redundant assets? Is borrowing capacity a redundant asset? Should land and building owned by an operating company be treated as redundant assets and notional rent expense be added as expense? Where to find ratios to evaluate a balance sheet?
Ottawa Workshop – Roundtable and Networking Event

Join the Ottawa Workshop Committee for a networking and roundtable session for CICBV members and students in the Ottawa-area.  Registration is limited to 27.  Register now to guarantee your place at the table!

Intangible Asset Valuation and Financial Reporting Symposium

As of late, the valuation of intangible assets, and the calculation of impairment on such assets, have become hot topics in the United States and around the world.  Regardless of the market in which a CBV practices, these valuation issues demand specialized technical knowledge which enables a CBV’s work to stand up to the scrutiny of clients, auditors, and tax and regulatory authorities.  This comprehensive and practical one-day symposium will provide participants with a good working understanding of the theory underlying, and practical mechanics relating to, the valuation of intangible assets and related financial reporting issues, including purchase price allocations and goodwill impairment.

Click here to review the detailed agenda of this important, not to be missed one day symposium.  Registration is limited to 30 attendees.

Part 1 – Overview and Introduction

Part 2 – Cost Approach

Part 3 – Market Approach

Part 4 – Income Approach

Part 5 – Relief from Royalty

Part 6 – MEEM

Part 7 – IFRS

Part 8 – PPA Case Study

Part 9 – PPA Reports

Part 10 – Impairment Analysis 

Part 11 – Impairment Case Study

Webinar – Open Forum

Join facilitator Dwayne Pyper, in this  continuation of the quarterly series of open forum webinars which provides an opportunity for discussion and collaboration on matters of mutual interest to CBVs.  The topics discussed can come from all aspects of your professional life, addressing varied issues affecting you in your daily practice.  The facilitator will assist the participants in a discussion of areas of common interest, based on suggestions provided by the participants prior to the forum, as well as matters brought to the CICBV’s attention as of late.

Following up on issues raised in the inaugural session, this second open forum will be of particular interest to valuators preparing notional valuations of operating and holding companies. Topics will include:

  • Common errors in applying the Enterprise Value approach
  • Impact of S88 bump on asset based valuations
  • Other issues identified by attendees
Toronto Workshop – Case Law: A Year in Review

For CBVs engaged in litigation support practice, keeping current with relevant case law is a formidable task. Martin Pont, a CBV with extensive litigation experience, and Judith Snider, a retired Federal Court judge, are here to help. In a highly interactive session, they will provide you with their view of the most important cases from the past twelve months. Whether it is the latest pronouncement on a nuanced business valuation concept or on how expert witnesses are expected to behave, these entertaining and informative speakers will cover it all!

Click here for more information on the presenters.


When you rely on real estate appraisals, do you ever wonder if they’ve been altered or influenced? Through real life examples, Larry Dybvig, President of Grover, Elliott & Co.,  will explain how fraud can involve appraisals and appraisers.

Click here for more information

Discussion sur le fonds de roulement

Le Comité de Québec vous invite à vous joindre à une présentation pour discuter des questions suivantes en ce qui concerne le fonds de roulement :

  • Lettre d’intention vs entente définitive;
  • Déterminer le fonds de roulement dans le contexte d’une transaction;
  • Négociation du fonds de roulement;
  • Médiation et arbitrage du fonds de roulement et de la contrepartie conditionnelle;
  • Exemples et cas;
  • Séance de questions et réponses.

Veuillez cliquer ici pour de plus amples informations.

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