CBVs Going Too Far with Opinions: What are the legal consequences? Where is the line? How to avoid going over the Line?

Expert witnesses sometimes – intentionally or unintentionally – extend their opinion into areas that are reserved for the ultimate trier of the facts. When this happens, legal issues arise with respect to both the admissibility into evidence of the expert’s opinion evidence and the weight to be afforded said opinion evidence.   Join Jack Blackier, FCA, FCPA, DIFA, LL.M., a forensic accountant and lawyer with Cox and Palmer, as he illustrates the legal issues that arise in this context, and will address various mechanisms to help avoid the expert witness crossing this line.

Damage Quantification and Business Valuation in the Franchise Industry

Franchising is one of the most common forms of business in Canada. There are currently 75,000 franchised businesses operating in a variety of sectors, and the Canadian Franchise Association lists franchises in over 40 different industries.

In this presentation, Ephraim Stulberg, CPA, CA, CBV, CFF (partner, Matson, Driscoll and Damico) will discuss some of the aspects that make quantifying damages or business value involving either franchisors or franchisees unique. Some of these factors are a function of specific statutes that exist in many provinces; others are driven by the content of the franchise agreement.

The presentation will begin with a brief overview of the franchising business model: what is a franchise, and what are some of the common characteristics of franchise agreements and the franchisor-franchisee relationship that make this model different from other forms of business. It will go on to cover the following topics:

  1. Statutory Rescission Claims under provincial franchise disclosure legislation
  2. Business Interruption Damages
  3. Franchise Agreement Disputes
  4. Shareholder Disputes
  5. Expropriation
Valuation Metrics for Dental Practises: Why traditional methodologies are relied upon as opposed to multiples of EBITDA

Valuing a personal service, hands-on, owner-operated professional practice requires a valuation of the Doctor (labour) supply. The cost of labour in the professional practice marketplace has a significant range and relying upon a simple rule of thumb as to the value of a doctors service will produce an incorrect valuation of the practice. Being unfamiliar with labour supply ratios and prevailing compensation packages can purposely or accidentally produce a value that is substantially higher or lower than the actual, arm’s-length and open marketplace.

Timothy A. Brown has risen to national prominence as President & CEO of ROI Corporation, Canada’s #1 dental practice appraiser and broker. His insights, research and experience in the dental field has made him a highly sought after professional speaker and a respected author.

Click here for more information on Timothy Brown and his publications.


Young Professionals in Valuation – Tapas in Toronto – SOLD OUT

Join CBV Institute for complimentary tapas and drinks as we launch the inaugural event of the Young Professionals in Valuation Program in downtown Toronto.  This event will be focused on mingling, socializing and networking with your fellow valuators as we introduce you to the  YPV Program.

Register quickly as there is a 40-person limit!

BC Workshop – M&A Update

Join Grant Wallace, Managing Director, CIBC Mid-Market Investment Banking, as he takes participants through an M&A market update focused on private company transactions in Canada.  He will review the trends he has been seeing in CIBC’s transactions including valuation levels, leverage multiples, and an overview of the types of buyers and sellers.  Grant will also discuss the effect that private equity is having on the market, and factors that makes companies more attractive and valuable to potential buyers.

2019 National Business Valuation Congress

Continuing Professional Development hours – 14 hours

Congress Material

Economic Update – Glen Hodgson

Cannabis Panel

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Doing Diligence Differently: A PE Perspective

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Practitioner Roundtable

International Trade Relations – impact on business risk

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Early stage and exit advisory

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Maintaining impartiality: the view from the Bench and the Bar

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M&A Update: A year in review and the year ahead

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Calculation, estimate and comprehensive reports – which report to use when

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Volatility Estimation for Private and post-IPO Companies

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Minding the M&A Compass While Navigating from East to West: Cross-Border Transactions and International Valuation Trends

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Common Experts/Jointly-instructed experts: How is the practice developing in Canada?

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Valuations and Litigation: Insights from a Case Law Review

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Strategic Investors vs Private Equity Buyers

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The Intersection of Income Tax and Family Law in Canada

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Company Specific Risk Premiums: Guidance and Practice from the US

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AI –  a modern view of its impact on valuations

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The Theory and Practical Aspects of Discount Rates for Quantifying Losses& Milton Davis paper

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International Cost of Capital: Understanding and Quantifying Country Risk

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How to Intelligently Value AI Companies

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Ex ante or ex post, that is the question: Discounting conventions in economic damages, a case law review

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Cost of Equity: A Canadian-centric perspective

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Decrypting Crypto: An Introduction to Cryptoassets and a Study of Select Valuation Approaches

Delegates List

Gold Sponsor



This year, CBV Institute is proud to support Centre Philou. As a true extension of the family, Centre Philou is a living environment specially designed to meet the needs of children with multiple disabilities, while

 encouraging their full potential, with joy and respect for their condition. Founded in 2005, their services include: respite stays, intensive stimulation programs, summer day Camp and family support. In lieu of speaker’s gifts, it has been CBV Institute’s practice to instead support a charitable organization in order to give back to the community on behalf of the profession.










Emerging Trends in the Industrial Real Estate Market

Join Ryan Kerr (Avison Young) and Garth White (Avison Young) for an in-depth look at the industrial real estate market in Metro Vancouver.

Metro Vancouver’s industrial market has been unable to keep pace with ongoing demand from e-commerce uses, logistics/distribution firms and light manufacturers despite the regional inventory growing by almost 5% in the past 36 months.

With rental rates and valuations skyrocketing as new supply is unable to alleviate record low vacancy, this panel explores the implications of these recent trends on the market. Will supply catch up with demand? Will developers explore multi-level warehousing to justify the soaring cost of land and construction? How are industrial businesses coping or reacting to the implications of this unprecedented market place? This presentation will explore all of this, as well as what opportunities lie in the coming for this sector of commercial real estate. 

Doing the Right Thing: Ethics for Appraisers & Business Valuators

Join the CBV Institute Toronto Workshop Committee and the American Society of Appraisers Eastern Canadian Chapter for this important, not to be missed seminar on ethics.

  • Session 1 – Confidentiality and Privilege: What’s the Difference? What’s the Big Deal? David Chodikoff, Partner – Miller Thomson LLP, Toronto
  • David will talk about the differences between confidentiality and privilege, conceptually, practically and legally and why people are often confused about both.
  • Session 2 – Navigating the Minefield of Legal and Ethical Issues Facing Appraisers/Business Valuators – Lela Hersh, President – Museum of Fine Arts Consulting, LLC, Chicago & Jeffrey W. Brend, Principal – Levin & Brend, P.C, Chicago
  • A discussion between two appraisers, one of whom is a lawyer, of various situations appraisers/business valuators may find themselves in and what may be their recourse.
  • Session 3 – Due Diligence and Ethics in Emerging Economies Paul Jones, Principal – Jones & Co. LLP, Toronto
  • The influence of emerging economies in growth is perhaps best Illustrated by the development of the acronym “BRICS” (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in 2001. While there are good financial opportunities in these countries, the methods of doing business vary, and business people from the developed economies sometimes have difficulty determining how to conduct themselves. This presentation will discuss the social characteristics of emerging economies, their legal systems (most are civil law jurisdictions), compliance with export controls, sanctions and anticorruption legislation, and how to reduce your risks with due diligence reports on the back ground of your counterparties in emerging economies.

More information




Quebec City Workshop – Business Valuation: Discussion Panel on Technical Topics

Join Christian Coté, Denys Goulet and Frédéric Lamonde  as they discuss technical business valuation topics and specific cases observed in their professional practice. The purpose of the presentation is to share their experiences with the community of business valuation experts. The audience will also be invited to participate in the discussions and to address questions to the panelists.  The panel will be moderated by Dominique Normand.

Overview of the topics covered

  • Calculation of working capital: the particularities
  • Maintenance capex and growth capex
  • Calculation of the WACC: optimal capital structure and rate of return
  • Enterprise Value: Differences in Perspectives Between Business Valuation Experts and Mergers and Acquisitions Specialists
  • Minority discounts and control premiums
Valuing the Canadian Veterinary Practice

In this webinar Blake Dawson, CBV at  Vet Help Inc., will explore the intricacies of valuing a veterinary practice in Canada.  This includes the similarities and differences with other small businesses.  He will discuss where veterinarians look to have their valuations performed, the prevailing methods used, and the current purchaser demand across geography, practice type, and practice size.  Blake will further discuss the reasons why the majority of veterinary transactions tend to be share transactions and the regulatory environment around practice ownership, challenges of establishing capitalization rates for individual practices and the characteristics that influence that decision.

Practice Inspection Policy and Q&A

The CBV Institute’s first ever round of practice inspections will commence in 2019, and all Members and Registered Students will be impacted. Are you ready? 

Join Catalina Miranda, CICBV’s Director, Professional Practice as she provides a high level overview of the new Practice Inspection Policy, including key expectations around reporting to the Institute, who and what is subject to Practice Inspection, what you can expect to happen as part of a practice inspection, and the possible outcomes of a practice inspection.  She will also address any questions from Members and Students.

Montreal Holiday Social Event

The Montreal Workshop Committee invites you to join us for a much-awaited social and networking event on Wednesday December 5, 2018.  Please join us to enjoy connecting or reconnecting with fellow valuators and to celebrate the students success.

Space is limited to only 70 individuals.   Register early so as not to miss this must-attend event of the year!

Cannabis in Canada
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Click here for presentation

Economic Update: What’s in store for 2019 and beyond?

What does 2019 hold in store here and abroad? When will interest rates stop rising? Is the U.S. headed for a fiscal cliff? Join Brian DePratto, Senior Economist at TD Bank, as he answers these questions and more as he explores the key economic trends and what they mean for you. 

More information

Toronto Workshop – Tech Talks: Trends and the Impact on Deals and Valuations in Canada – SOLD OUT

Michael Dingle, PwC National Deals Technology Leader and Kiki Anadu, Vice-President – PwC Valuations will provide a lively and interactive session on current trends in the technology environment and what that means with respect to valuation approaches.  This session will draw on recently published research data, which highlights VC funding in various technology companies from seed stage to later stage and within verticals ranging from AI to fintech.  This presentation will be of interest to participants and notional valuators looking to get a broader understanding of technology deal activity in Canada and the impact on how valuations are approached.

Speakers bios


BC Workshop – Insights on the Collaborative Divorce Process

The Collaborative Process is an effective alternative to traditional adversarial divorce. With Collaborative Divorce, the parties agree from the start that they will:

  • Not go to court, or even threaten to go to court
  • Communicate with honesty and respect
  • Make a sincere effort to understand each other’s needs and concerns
  • Promptly disclose all relevant information
  • Work together towards an agreement that’s in everyone’s best interests

Collaborative Divorce gives the parties a positive way forward. It is a proven process for moving the parties past conflict to resolution. Even if there’s a lot of anger and the parties have tried other ways to reach resolution (such as court or mediation), the Collaborative Process can help the parties reach agreement. Collaborative Divorce gives the parties the legal, financial and emotional support to make sound decisions and move on with their lives.

 Join Jon Lazar, Partner at Watson Goelpel, as he aims to provide insights on the Collaborative Divorce Process, how it differs from a court-based divorce and whether the collaborative divorce process is right for your clients.

Click here for more information

Expert Witness Symposium (Livestreaming Day 1 only)


The CICBV is pleased to present its inaugural Expert Witness Symposium.  This event will provide CBVs with the unique opportunity to learn from, and with, renowned CBVs, senior legal counsel, and a federal court judge in an interactive and practical format.  The Symposium will be of interest to CBVs who are looking to either brush up on, or develop, credible expert witness skills. Participants interested in attending this session should have some litigation support experience.

Space is very limited – don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to learn from the best!  Click here to review the full description of sessions and review presenter information.

Day 1 agenda (8:15 AM – 5:00 PM)

Expert Witness Roles and Responsibilities (Beyond the Box)

Knowledge is King – A Good Technical Base is Essential

a) Intellectual Property Cases/ Quantification of Damages & Accounting of Profits

b) New Tax Rules on Family Law

c) Quantification of Financial Losses in Class Action Matters

Expert Reports: Strategies & Key Principles

Reading the Room: How to Testify Convincingly – What Judges and Lawyers are Looking For 

a) The Expert Witness and the Judge – A Perfect Partnership – Honourable Judith A. Snider

Standing Up To Cross Examination

Expert Witness Symposium (In-person 2 day live event)

The CICBV is pleased to present its inaugural Expert Witness Symposium.  This event will provide CBVs with the unique opportunity to learn from, and with, renowned CBVs, senior legal counsel, and a federal court judge in an interactive and practical format.  The Symposium will be of interest to CBVs who are looking to either brush up on, or develop, credible expert witness skills. Participants interested in attending this session should have some litigation support experience.

Space is very limited – don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to learn from the best!  Click here to view the full agenda and presenter information.

Day 1 agenda (8:15 AM – 5:00 PM)

Expert Witness Roles and Responsibilities (Beyond the Box)

Knowledge is King – A Good Technical Base is Essential  

Expert Reports: Strategies & Key Principles

Reading the Room: How to Testify Convincingly – What Judges and Lawyers are Looking For

Standing Up To Cross Examination

Day 2 agenda (8:30 AM – 12:15 PM)

Mock Cross Examination and Feedback

On Day 2, participants will directly apply the information gained in Day 1 of the Symposium.  Select CBVs will receive a case dealing with common business valuation issues well in advance of the session, and will have the opportunity to practice the skills and techniques learned in Day 1 under mock cross-examination by Gordon Capern (with Andrew Freedman), and Justice Judith Snider presiding.  Helpful and constructive feedback will be provided by Gordon, Andrew, and Judith to these CBVs, who will benefit from an enhanced expert witness skills toolkit for years to come.

While attendance on Day 2 is open to everyone who registers for the Symposium, this unique opportunity to be cross-examined will only be open to four CBVs.  If you are interested in being one of these four, please contact Deborah Hanlon at Deborah.hanlon@cicbv.caNote that the cross-examination and feedback will occur in front of all those attending Day 2 of the Symposium, and all those attending Day 2 of the Symposium may also provide feedback; however, Day 2 of the Symposium will not be live-streamed in order to provide a non-threatening and comfortable environment for those CBVs volunteering to be cross-examined.


Calgary Workshop – Texas Scramble Golf Tournament – cancelled

The Calgary Workshop Committee would like to invite you to join them on September 20, 2018 for an afternoon of golf, fun and a chance to get to know other CBV Members and students in the Calgary area. The Texas Scramble format will allow for all skills levels to join in and ensure a fun and social setting, followed by a dinner at the Lynx Ridge clubhouse. We look forward to seeing everyone there!

Cannabis in Canada

Join Jonathan Gallant, CPA, CA, CBV – Director & CFO of 314 Pure and Co-founder of Breathing Green Solutions Inc. as he takes participants through a review of the current marketplace and changing regulations with valuation considerations within the cannabis industry. He will also highlight the implications of legalization in Canada and abroad with a summary discussion of recent transactions in the industry.

Strategies to address the estate and tax implications of “trapped” money in a holding company

Often times after a business owner sells and retires from the business, they have more assets than they need to fund their retirement. This usually results in “trapped” money in a holding company that is left to accumulate and eventually passes to their heirs through their estate.

Join Joshua Lane and Joël Campagna as they discuss the many tax efficient ways to maximize the use of these funds and unlock “trapped money” through implementing life insurance and other estate planning strategies. A few notable topics to be discussed are:

  • life insurance as an alternative asset class
  • maximizing the Capital Dividend Account (CDA)
  • recent tax changes and their effect on estate planning strategies
When is the right time to sell: How do we give the Business Owner comfort on their cash flow in the post transaction period?

What happens when you sell your business and lose your steady pay cheque? How do you convert your recently acquired investable assets into a steady stream of income that will be sustainable and last your lifetime?

Join Joshua Lane, EVP, Wealth Strategies at Kaspardlov and Associates (Manulife Securities Inc.) as he discusses the biggest concerns clients have when they sell their business and transition to the retirement phase.  Clients need a plan to show them:

  • the income they can expect from the proceeds they will receive post sale
  • how to shift their focus from asset accumulation to wealth preservation and deaccumulation phase
  • how their professional advisors (CBV, CPA, CFP), can be their new Board of Directors for their personal wealth management business
BC Workshop – Structuring Leverage Financing

Join Keiju Yamasaki and Kuljeet Manj from the BMO Corporate Finance Division, as they provide an overview of their approach to financing acquisitions in the upper mid-market. The presentation will highlight recent transaction trends in the senior debt M&A market and key considerations in structuring leveraged financing.

Click here for presenter’s bios.



2017 Atlantic PD Day Recordings

WBLI: Two Years Later – What we learned

Topical Issues in Business Loss Quantification


M&A Update


Family Law Panel Discussion


Cross Examination Preparation by Expert Witnesses


Bankers Perspective on Current Capital Structure Trends


Montreal Workshop – Hot Topics in Valuation – Recent Tax Case

The valuation of a business interest can be key in proper estate planning, including in the application of the 21-year deemed disposition rules. This presentation will provide an overview of issues facing the valuation of a business interest held by a trust in the context of a recent case, Ozerdinc Family Trust No. 2[1]. The court addressed a number of valuation, tax and litigation matters, including:

  • Definition of fair market value
  • Use of audited vs. internal financial statements
  • Use of hindsight information
  • Valuation of preferred shares
  • Illiquidity and lack of marketability
  • Treatment of shareholders’ advances in arriving at equity value
  • Whether to consider embedded or latent income taxes in valuing a holding company
  • Treatment of refundable dividend tax on hand (RDTOH)
  • Applicability of minority discounts
  • Control premium
  • Family control
  • Code of conduct for expert witnesses regarding independence and impartiality
  • Fiduciary duties of the trustees

Join Catherine Tremblay (Partner, MNP LLP) as she provides an overview of the case facts and provides some general discussion points and valuation concepts  in light of the issues of the case.

[1] M. Kathleen Grimes and M. Ersin Ozerdinc. Trustees of the Ozerdinc Family Trust No. 2 v. Her Majesty the Queen, 2016 TCC 280.

Key Elements of US Tax Reform for Canadians

Nearly every Canadian with business, real estate or financial assets has some wealth invested directly or indirectly in USA assets.  The USA tax reforms enacted in December 2017 were the most significant reforms in decades, and those tax reforms have had a large impact and will continue to have a large impact for years to come on the values of those USA assets.

Join Daniel Rogozynski, CPA-CA, CPA (Illinois), MAcc, Lecturer in Taxation, University of Waterloo, as he presents, in a non-technical manner, the most significant elements of the USA tax reforms and compare those elements to the previous USA regime as well as to similar Canadian elements.   Webinar participants will be presented with the top 12 elements of USA tax reform in a way that they will have sufficient knowledge of the changes in the USA to make preliminary assessments of valuation impacts of these reforms on their clients’ USA assets.

BC Workshop – Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and ICOs – an Intro

Join Jessica Van Den Akker, CPA, CA, CFO of HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd, as she provides an overview of the differences between blockchain, cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings (ICOs), including the scope of the market and various participants. The presentation will discuss some of the recent activity over the past year, such as noteworthy deals, impact of regulations, and significant events. Looking ahead, we will highlight some future changes and uncertainties. The presentation will also address some key questions, myths and misunderstandings on blockchain, cryptocurrencies and ICOs.


Staged exits – Capitalizing on the dramatic increase in private equity in the Canadian middle market

The last 5 years have seen a significant increase in private equity interest in the Canadian middle market, in particular from US based private equity firms.  This provides business owners with ever more options as they examine the future strategic direction of their Company.   In particular, owners who wish to gain some liquidity but still want to participate in the continued growth of their business are increasingly able to structure deals that accomplish their specific goals.

Join Oliver Khan, Principal at NewPoint Capital Partners as he examines various factors that influence deal structures in private equity including:

  • Maximizing proceeds today vs. future upside
  • Minority, majority and more exotic investment structures
  • The importance of flexibility in the negotiating process and picking the right battles
  • Speed and certainty to close
  • Relationship with new partner post-transaction
    • Reporting requirements
    • Board representation
    • Value added advice
    • Alignment of goals
    • Timing of final exit

More information

Quebec City Workshop – Business Valuation and Family Law: The importance of a good team

Ms. Claudia Prémont, Brodeur Prémont Lavoie Lawyers, presents:

  • The impact of the new Code of Civil Procedure on legal proceedings involving expertise;
  • Assessment of an expert testimony: mistakes to avoid
  • The major principles surrounding the determination of ability to pay;
  • Double compensation: the value of work in progress in the valuation of a business;
  • Lifting of the corporate veil or the fiduciary veil in family law;
  • Maintaining quality of life after a divorce: an overview

This event is in French.

Valuation of Golf Courses and the state of the Canadian Golf Market

The Webinar will cover topics such as the current state of golf and the golf real estate market in Canada, the various methodologies used to determine value (such as the Income Approach, Direct Comparison Approach and the Cost Approach); Private (for profit and non-profit) vs Public club valuation; as well as Hypothetical Valuations under potential redevelopment opportunities.

Charles Suddaby and Jonathan Dunlap bring a diverse background in the valuation of golf courses. Charles is the Senior Vice President of the Hotel, Hospitality & Gaming group in Canada for Cushman & Wakefield. Jonathan is a Senior Consultant with Cushman & Wakefield and previously worked in the golf industry.  Over the years, they have valued such notable assets as Rosedale Golf Club, Whistle Bear Golf Club, Fairmount Banff Springs Golf Course, and The Muskoka Bay Club, and numerous other public and private clubs across the country.

Click here for more information.

BC Workshop – Cannabis Industry Report: Trends, Outlook and Challenges

Join Dan Sutton, CEO Tantalus Labs, for an overview of the specific aspects related to operating in the medical cannabis space (facility standards, licensing process, production and sales quotas or limitations, time to market, etc.), various cannabis products offered, and a discussion covering the heightened activity in the cannabis market.  With certain public cannabis companies performing significant acquisitions in recent months, Dan will provide his take on the “inflated” valuations of marijuana public companies and the potential impact of say “Big Tobacco” or “Big Pharma” entering the cannabis industry with their significantly larger R&D budgets.  He will also discuss the impact of the legalization of recreational marijuana in Canada come July 2018, as it seems there are varying market forecasts and perspectives of the potential impacts on adjacent markets, and discuss limitations due to legal restrictions in the US vs. global opportunities.

2018 National Business Valuation Congress – SOLD OUT

Continuing Education hours – 14 hours

[accordion title="Conference Organizing Committee"]
Prem Lobo – Chair, CBV – Principal, Cohen Hamilton Steger & Co. Inc.
Howard Johnson, FCBV – Managing Director, Duff & Phelps Canada Limited
Larry Andrade, CBV Partner, Deloitte LLP Peter Klein, CBV – Professor, Beedie School of Business Simon Fraser University
Andrew Cochran, CBV – Partner, Ernst & Young LLP Alex Lourie, CBV – Senior Manager, Deloitte LLP
Spencer Cotton, CBV – Partner, BDO Canada LLP Chris Polson, CBV – Principal, The Brattle Group
Brian Gibson, CBV – Senior Manager, KPMG LLP John Rockx, CBV – Partner, KPMG LLP
Paul Gill, CBV – Partner, BDO Canada LLP Christine Sawchuk, CBV – Director, Education – CICBV
Bob Boulton, CBV – Executive Vice President and COO – CICBV Deborah Hanlon – Events Manager – CICBV

[/accordion][accordion title="Cancellation Policy"]

Cancellation Policy

  • Before May 1, 2018 – 60% refund
  • After May 1, 2018 – no refund will be given however substitution of person to this conference will be permitted.  Refunds will not be applied to future conferences.

For further information, call Deborah Hanlon at 416.613.9552 or email deborah.hanlon@cicbv.ca

[/accordion][accordion title="Congress Streams/Congress Material"]

Congress Agenda

Delegates List as at June 5, 2018

Five Congress Streams


Private Markets Panel Discussion – Canadian Institutional Investors & Valuators

When the Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts: An Analysis of Trends in the Application and Quantum of Minority Discounts in Canadian Court Judgements (1986-2015)

CAPM Magic: Use & Abuse of the Rabbit

Valuation of “Skinny Voting Shares”: Insights from experience, valuation standards & principles, case law, statutes and CRA documentation

Mega Trends/Technology Disruptors

Judgement Day: Canadian Valuation Case Law Review, 2015-2017

Valuation in the Blockchain Ecosystem


The Economic and Financial Outlook: Getting to the New Normal









Avoiding Double Counting in Compensation: Coordinating Business Valuation and Real Estate Appraisals in Expropriations

Construction Litigation: Major Changes Creating Opportunities for CBVs

Quantifying Economic Losses in Class Actions: Issues & Recent Trends

Recent Hot Button Damages Trends in Litigation Cases

Big Data Litigation












An Introduction to Financial Reporting (4 hour workshop)

Roundtable for Experienced VFR Professionals (3 hour workshop)


Fairness Opinions: The NEW Best Practices

Competition Law and the Role of Accountants and Valuators

Converging Trends in the Legal Oversight of Related-Party Transactions


Joint Retainers – Examining the Role of the Joint Experts

Workplace Harassment in a Post #MeToo environment. How Employers Respond to Meet Their Obligations

Data Breaches – Legal and Business Impacts

[/accordion][accordion title="Hotel Information"] 

WESTIN OTTAWA  is now sold out!

The Ottawa Westin is sold out.  The three closest hotels to the Ottawa Westin are:

Ottawa Westin information:  Please book your hotel accommodations at the time of registration as space is  very limited.  This is peak time at the hotel and our room block/hotel will sell out quickly.  The cut-off date for our conference rate is May 11, 2018.  The following room rates are available and prices are based on single & double occupancy rooms:

  • $ 249.00 – Run-of-house room (single or double occupancy)
  • $ 379.00 – Suites, limited (single or double occupancy)

Online booking: https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/2018CICBV

Central reservations: 613-560-7000. When booking a room, quote 2018 CICBV Congress or code 2F08AA (it is best to book online using the link above).  The congress rate is available from June 11 – June 16, 2018 pending room availability.

[/accordion][accordion title="Getting to Ottawa"] 

Air Canada

To book a flight with your promotion code, access aircanada.com and enter your promotion code in the search panel.


  • The booking is to be made to the following city: Ottawa, YOW (ON)
  • This Promo Code is available to the first 200 delegates who book their travel with Air Canada
  • The travel period begins Tuesday, June 06, 2018 and ends Friday, June 22, 2018.
  • Travel is valid Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

No discount will apply to Tango bookings for travel within Canada or between Canada and the U.S. The discount rate is 10% on all other flights.

Fly Porter

Porter Airlines is proud to offer a 10% discount on available base fares (with the exception of the lowest class fare during a public seat sale).  The travel period begins June 10, 2018 and ends June 19, 2018.

Please book online at https://flyporter.com/Flight?culture=en-CA&promocode=CICBV18 or through your travel agent using promo code “CICBV18”.

Via Rail

VIA Rail is proud to be a transportation participant for our Congress, and is offering a 10% discount from June 11 – June 18, 2018 for all VIA stations to Ottawa.  The discount applies to the best available fare in Economy, Economy Plus, Business, Business Plus and Sleeper Class. 

PROMO CODE is: 13640

You have to log in to your profile, or create one prior to booking at www.viarail.ca. On the Passenger information screen, select “Convention fare” from the “Discount Type” drop-down menu, and enter the discount code 13640 in the “Discount code” field. The conference fare will be shown on the next page.

[/accordion][accordion title="Sponsoring or Exhibiting"]

If you are interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at the conference, please contact Deborah Hanlon at deborah.hanlon@cicbv.ca


Platinum Sponsor








In lieu of speakers gifts, it has been the CICBV’s practice to instead support a charitable organization in order to give back to the community on behalf of the profession. This year the CICBV is proud to support Jack.org. Jack.org is a national organization with over 150 student chapters across Canada dedicated to identifying and breaking down barriers to positive mental health.







Evolution in Oppression Remedy – Personal Liability of Corporate Directors

This webinar will focus on a recent decision of the Supreme Court of Canada whereby the Court confirmed a basis for the imposition of personal liability of corporate directors by way of an oppression remedy. Jack Blackier (Partner, Cox & Palmer) will illustrate the circumstances under which personal liability might be imposed, and the practical impacts thereof on CBVs who are involved in a matter in which an oppression remedy is being sought.

Click here for more information about the presenter.

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