Sharing Professional and Personal Experience to Advance Careers in Business Valuation
As part of CBV Institute’s focus on and commitment to ED&I, our Mentorship Program is designed to connect mentors and mentees in meaningful and respectful mentoring relationships. Navigating a business valuation career path can be daunting, and having a mentor with experience in the field can support mentees in furthering their professional growth. Mentors will have the opportunity to “pay-it-forward” in a meaningful way, by sharing their accumulated knowledge and experience, and by knowing they are giving back, empowering and advancing a female professional in the early stages of their career. Time spent on mentorship activities will qualify as unverifiable CPD for both mentors and mentees.
CBV Institute’s Mentorship Program pairs female CBV mentees with CBV mentors* outside their workplace for a seven-month period. With a mentor’s support and guidance, mentees will establish career goals, discuss strategies to overcome challenges, and benefit from a mentor’s knowledge and experience.
CBV Institute attempts to match mentors and mentees from the same region so face-to-face meetings are possible, if the mentor and mentee so desire. CBV Institute also facilitates an orientation session after the pairings are made to provide parameters of the mentoring relationship and suggestions for potential areas to be explored by the mentors and mentees. In 2025, CBV Institute will pair ten mentors and mentees.
*Mentees will be able to indicate whether they prefer to be paired with a mentor of a specific gender.

- 1-5 years of experience in the business valuation profession;
- Currently employed as a business valuation professional;
- A CBV Institute Member in good standing;
- Clear understanding and communication of (a) your career goals over the next five years, and (b) why you are seeking a mentoring relationship; and
- Commitment to participating in the mentorship relationship, including scheduling and participating in monthly (approximately one hour) meetings, being fully open to feedback, and having a growth mindset.

- Members (CBVs) in good standing, with 10+ years of experience in the business valuation profession;
- Commitment to participating in the mentorship relationship, including participating in monthly (approximately one hour) meetings;
- Commitment to helping younger professionals advance and grow by sharing relevant knowledge and expertise; and
- Strong communicator who can provide honest and constructive feedback, exhibits active listening skills, displays positivity and enthusiasm; and is able to guide the mentee in the development of her or his own ideas, learning, and personal/ professional competence.
- Note – mentors will not be seen as a job conduit.
Application and Pairing:
- CBVs who are interested in participating as a Mentor are asked to fill out this application form.
- CBVs who are interested in participating as a Mentee are asked to fill out this application form.
- Pairing will be based, in part, on location, background, workplace, practice area, and personal characteristics deemed important by the mentee (e.g., family status).