Stay up to date with the latest economic trends and their impact on business valuation. CBVs discuss contemporary economic issues, offering a distinct lens on how domestic and global emerging events and economic issues impact business value in Canada and abroad.

Intangible Assets

It is said business operates in a world that is increasingly driven by intangible assets. As society becomes more developed, investment has evolved into things that we cannot see or touch – such as brands, human capital, software, patents, non fungible tokens, and beyond.

In this revealing three-part interview series, hosted by globally recognized innovation strategist Shawn Kanungo, CBV business valuation specialists share an expert purview of intangible assets from their respective areas of professional practice in financial reporting (Tiki Cheung, CBV), litigation (Chris Polson, CBV), and private equity (Kevin Hutchinson, CBV).


Cryptoassets are also a unique and risky type of asset class and, as a result, cryptoasset valuations are drawing attention from many stakeholders. How are these digital investments valued? Why is it important to value cryptoassets and value them appropriately? Above all, what drives value in cryptoassets?

As valuation specialists, CBVs are active in cryptoasset valuations. In this two-part interview series, What Drives Value, we asked some of our leading CBV authorities to share their expert perspective on cryptoasset valuations.

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