As a leader in the global valuation community, CBV Institute is engaged in a worldwide consultation process led by the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) towards adoption of a global set of universal valuation standards, known as International Valuation Standards (IVS). CBV Institute supports IVSC’s goal to build trust in valuation by establishing one set of globally consistent, high quality valuation standards. As an Institute, we are taking a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach to assessment of IVS adoption and the potential impacts for the CBV profession. The newly released CBV Institute Bridge Guide is an important step in the journey.
The Bridge Guide lays out the differences and areas of alignment between existing CBV Institute Practice Standards and IVS. It also identifies that existing CBV Institute Practice Standards, which are viewed as high quality standards, are already largely consistent with IVS. With the publication of this Bridge Guide, CBV Institute now moves forward to a process of broader adoption consultations with its Members and other stakeholders in Canada and worldwide.