The Shifting Credit Markets and How Best to Access Them

This webinar will address a number of topics related to accessing commercial credit for business owners and advisors. Prior to the economic downturn brought on by the health pandemic, borrowers looking to access commercial credit had the market on their side. Unfortunately, the market has largely gone from a borrower’s market to a lenders market

Cost of Capital and the COVID Pandemic: Has Anything Changed?

Join David Atkinson (Director,  Mergers & Acquisitions at Raymond James Ltd.) as he reviews M&A trends, equity market trends, credit market trends, and interest rate trends prevailing during the COVID-19 pandemic in order to offer an assessment as to whether COVID has fundamentally changed the market’s long-term perspective on risk and the cost of capital.

Ethics Issues for Business Valuators

Ethical behaviour provides the foundation of trust that supports the reputation of each CBV, and of the CICBV as a profession.  Expectations are changing, and CBVs need to refresh their thinking on what is appropriate when preparing their valuations, dealing with clients, lawyers and courts, and presenting evidence.  Accordingly, this session will cover: New ethics

Best Practices in the Valuation of Contingent Considerations

Join Oksana Westerbeke (Principal, Strategy & Transactions Advisory) and Jared Hannon (Director, Strategy & Transactions Advisory) at Grant Thornton LLP as they discuss common earnout valuation pitfalls, with a focus on common earnout structures and recommended methodologies for most common earnout structures.  They will discuss the different types of risks embedded in the earnouts and

A CBV Practitioners Tool Kit

Join Ron Martindale and Louise Poole (Davis Martindale LLP) as they address topics related to the “business” of business valuations. Best practices for engagement letters and representation letters will be discussed, along with independence and conflict of interest scenarios, and a refresher on key standards.  This is a great opportunity for new practitioners and those

Benefits of Developing a Networking Action Plan

Building a strong network is as important to your career progression as being in the right job in the right organization, working for the right leader.  Building this network is no different from going after any goal.  You need a plan.  Then you need to ensure you properly execute the plan.  Join Dr. Deborah Nixon

YPV Fall Friday Series – The Path to Professional Leadership (Private Equity)

CBV Young Professionals in Valuation is putting the spotlight on 4 CBVs who have achieved professional success and happiness in their respective fields. Join us for an engaging series of interviews every Friday at 12 pm EST starting on November 27th for 3 weeks. Each week, different CBV professionals will share their unique story and

YPV Fall Friday Series – The Path to Professional Leadership (Industry)

CBV Young Professionals in Valuation is putting the spotlight on 4 CBVs who have achieved professional success and happiness in their respective fields. Join us for an engaging series of interviews every Friday at 12 pm EST starting on November 27th for 3 weeks. Each week, different CBV professionals will share their unique story and

Panel discussion with the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB)

We are pleased to have Gregory Dionne, CPA, CA, Director, Inspections and Alex Cheong, CPA, CA, CBV, CPA (Illinois), Associate Director, Inspections of the Canadian Public Accountability Board join us for a panel discussion. CPAB is Canada’s audit regulator responsible for overseeing public accounting firms that audit Canadian reporting issuers.  During this session, moderated by

Finding the Silver Lining – Closing Deals in Turbulent Times – How Buyers & Sellers are Bridging the Value Expectations Gap

a joint Toronto Workshop and CVCA-YPC event A diverse panel of experts provide first hand market perspectives on how transaction structuring is changing, and how this impact values.  The discussion will include the use of, and methodologies for valuation of non-cash consideration such as contingent consideration, earnouts, shares/options/warrants, including a case study of a recent

Crowdsourced Information and Valuation

Partha S. Mohanram, PhD, John H. Watson Chair in Value Investing and Professor of Financial Accounting – Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto The last decade has seen an explosion in the availability of nontraditional information. One particularly interesting subset of this is the rise of crowdsourced information – with investors sharing information among

USMCA Trade Deal – The Path Forward – Postponed – new date TBD

International trade uncertainty is daily news today. What a client may not know about the import or export aspects of their business – even if they do not pay duties at the border – may carry significant financial, operational, and reputational risks and unforeseen impacts. As valuation professionals, KPMG Trade & Customs partners from the

CPD Event for Atlantic Canada Business Valuators

8:05 – 8:45 ATLANTIC : What next for the Atlantic Canadian economy? Ian Munro, Chief Economist – Halifax Partnership Join Ian Munro as he reviews the state of Atlantic Canadian economies before COVID-19, assesses the impacts of the pandemic, and discusses the key factors that will determine how quickly and how well we will rebound.

Valuation and deals in the time of COVID – A Canadian virtual chat (YPV event)

It is no secret that business valuation and deals have been rendered more challenging by the global pandemic.  While the realities for many businesses have been sombre, some sectors have seen an upside.  Others have had to pivot.  Join these outstanding (and young) professionals from across the country as they candidly describe what impacts the

Repricing Risk – Valuation and Damages During COVID-19

In this unprecedented time of uncertainty and volatility, Alana Geller and Stephen Cole will discuss practical and contemporary views with respect to the impact of COVID-19.  Without the benefit of a ‘crystal ball’ as to how events will unfold, we will consider how to navigate point-in-time valuation and damage quantification. Alana and Stephen will explore

Infonomics: The Information Asset Valuation Imperative

Increasingly, IT and business leaders talk about information as one of their most important assets. But few organizations behave as if it is. Executives report to the board on the health of their workforce, their financials, their customers, and their partnerships, but rarely the health of their information assets. Moreover, corporations typically exhibit greater discipline

The Rise of Family Offices – Investment Processes and Valuation Governance

Most businesses are started by individuals that work hard to grow them. When these businesses are successful and wealth is accumulated, managing the wealth to preserve it for retirement and pass the excess capital to the next generations becomes an important priority. Many families find convenient the establishment of a single-family office while others prefer

Contractual Language: Drafting Tips from the CBV Trenches

Accounting and valuation language in agreements can often be subject to multiple interpretations, leading to bad outcomes for the parties. Join Barbara Morton and Terence Crohn from E&Y as they review four case studies of transactions resulting in disputes or litigation where the accounting and valuation language was at the heart of the disagreement. Tips,

Valuation Caselaw Review – Sharpening your 20/20 Vision

Join Roslyn Tsao (Managing Partner – Epstein Cole LLP), Kristy Warren (Associate – Epstein Cole LLP) and Louise Poole (Partner – Davis Martindale LLP) as they highlight recent caselaw for valuators to keep in mind in carrying out their retainers. Practical commentary on the application of caselaw to your practices will be provided.

Introduction to the Valuation of Complex Financial Instruments

This presentation will focus on financial instruments and embedded derivatives that are frequently valued for financial reporting purposes. Join Oksana Westerbeke, Principal, Forensic Advisory Services – Grant Thornton LLP (Boston) as she discusses an overview of the financial instruments, appropriate valuation methodologies, and latest developments in the valuation industry relevant to these financial instruments. The

Leases: IFRS 16 & ASC 842

Join Susan Glass as she address the new lease standards, including both IFRS 16 and ASC 842.  She will begin by briefly reviewing the new standards, including how the international and U.S. standards differ from each other and from current standards, considering the impact on the income statement, balance sheet, cash flow and key ratios/metrics. 

The Art and Science of Early Stage Financing

When it comes to venture investing, investors look for three things (1) massive market opportunity (2) strong team and (3) differentiated technology.  At the early stage, historical financial metrics often don’t exist, so investors must come up with alternative methods to determine the value of a company or price to pay to invest. Join Michelle

Cybertools for Forensic Accountants

Financial service professionals and investigators will learn how to conduct business intelligence investigations, due diligence, asset and enhanced background checks using the latest and most effective cybertools.  Join Cynthia Hetherington, Founder & President of the Hetherington Group as she takes attendees through the following learning objectives: Identifying the latest cyber investigative resources accessible to the

Practical Tools for an Effective At-Home Workday

Our workday routine has crumbled. We have been thrown into a new way of life without time to prepare, adjust or plan. Many are trying to care to the needs of others while struggling with little emotional energy in their tank. With so much uncertainty, no one knows if or when life as we know it will resume. This has left many of us feeling overwhelmed, scared and stressed!

In this 1 hour interactive webinar, Cindy Gordon, CPA, CA, CPCC, founder of Business Rescue Coaching, will provide tools to help you feel more stable in your new norm; take back control of your productivity; and shift your mindset to better cope and adapt to these times of uncertainty.

You’ll learn:

  • A technique to feel more grounded and emotionally stable to successfully deal with unexpected curve balls or ambiguity.
  • How to structure your day to enhance productivity and feel more in control.
  • How to shift the inner voice that fuels the fire of negativity and stress to an attitude that is more empowering.

Business Valuations and Concepts – Applications to Farm Producers and Agribusiness: General Tax Issues When Selling Your Business

Join Andrea Pontoni, CPA, CA, CBV, ASA, CFF for this webinar as he focuses on valuation issues specific to farm producers and agribusiness as well as their marketing and sales divisions. In particular, his presentation will focus on the following issues:
• Factors to consider when deciding on the valuation approach or methodology;
• Adjustments in normalizing earnings or cash flow;
• Issues to consider in selecting sustaining capital reinvestment;
• Specific risk issues to consider in your cost of capital;
• Issues between the farm producer and their marketing affiliates;
• Calculating disposition costs in particular corporate taxes (cash vs accrual basis),
• Questions you may want to ask your real estate appraiser,
• Adjustments to the financial statements of the farm producers;
• Maximizing after tax value on a divestiture to the farm owner; and
• Issues to consider in qualifying for the enhanced capital gains exemption.

Tax Issues – Update from CRA

Join Nicholas Correia, CBV; Trevor Williams, CBV; and David Feher, CBV, as they discuss:

• The Price Adjustment Clause (PAC) as it relates to valuations for income tax purposes.  He will discuss jurisprudence surrounding the PAC, requirements for recognition of a PAC and hypothetical examples involving the PAC

• Fair Market Value and Trapped in Capital Gains.  He will cover current practice, cases and what to expect from a CRA valuator

• Issues that CRA valuators have encountered when reviewing valuation reports.  He will give examples of practices that may be viewed as increasing the risk to the CRA, as well as others that could be viewed as best practices

This webinar will not be recorded for archived purposes.  This is an informational session only and questions will not be taken.

Vancouver – Women in Valuation – EVENT POSTPONED

CBV Institute, in conjunction with the Young Professionals in Valuation committee, is proud to host its first “Women in Valuations” luncheon in Vancouver. Join Eleanor Joy, FCBV (retired PWC Partner and British Columbia’s only female FCBV), Jocelyn Cruickshank (Partner at KPMG in Corporate Finance) and Laura Morgan (Director at Grant Thornton in Transactions & Valuations) in an informal discussion, as they share their experiences and impart valuable wisdom. This luncheon will provide attendees with an opportunity to connect with their peers and also share their experiences, challenges and successes.

Attendance at this event is free of charge to CBV Institute members and students courtesy of Blair Mackay Mynett Valuations Inc. and KPMG LLP.We extend our sincere appreciation to our sponsors, without whom this event would not be possible. Thank you sponsors!

Registration is limited to 35 attendees. Register now to secure your spot.

CBV Congress 2020 – Cancelled

Continuing Professional Development hours – 14 hours

Keynote Speakers

  • Strategy in a World of Disruption – Shawn Kanungo
  • IVS – Canada’s leadership role in recognition of International Valuation Standards – a conversation with IVSC CEO Nick Talbot

Congress Streams and Topics




  • Leases: IFRS 16 & ASC 842
  • Are You Considering Growth Properly in Your Valuation
  • Introduction to the Valuation of Complex Financial Instruments
  • Crowdsourced Information and Valuation
  • Cybertools for Forensic Accountants
  • What’s It Worth? Overcoming the Challenges in Valuing Biotechnology Assets and Companies
  • Climate Change and Valuation
  • Calculation vs Estimate Reports: Are you doing too little or too much?

  • Bloodsport of M&A
  • Deal Structuring and Negative Working Capital
  • An Owners Perspective on Investing in Private Infrastructure
  • Driving Transformative Value Creation Through Deal Making
  • Insights from a Sale to a PE Firm
  • The Art and Science of Early Stage Financing
  • The Rise of Family Offices – Investment Processes and Valuation Governance
  • The Evolution of Diligence – Current Trends and Practices

  • Role of the Litigation Expert in Mediations
  • Litigation Support in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics: Practical Applications
  • Doing the Work & Getting the Work: What issues are keeping you up at night?
  • Valuation Caselaw Review – Sharpening your 20/20 Vision
  • Cannabis Litigation
  • CBV’s as Expert Witness’s in Litigation Revisited
  • Writing an Effective Expert Report
  • Broken Deals: Case Studies of Transactions Resulting in Disputes or Litigation

[accordion title="Congress Material"]

CBV Institute will post all presentations on the Institute’s App and website approximately 1 week before the congress.  Access is only available to delegates who registered for the congress. You will be required to log in to access it.

[/accordion][accordion title="Fees"]


Early Bird Registration (by May 10, 2020) $ 875 (+ HST) = $ 988.75
Regular Registration (after May 10, 2020) $ 1,025 (+ HST) = $ 1,158.25

CBV Congress
2020 – COVID-19 Health and Safety Update

The health and
safety of Congress delegates, speakers, staff and the general community is of
the utmost importance to us.  As planning
continues for CBV Congress 2020 in June, we will be closely monitoring the
COVID-19 situation and following guidelines from the World Health Organization,
governments and public health officials.

If it becomes
necessary or prudent at any point to cancel the Congress, registration fees
will be refunded in full. Presentations that would have been delivered at
Congress will be made available instead as paid webinars, to the extent

If Congress proceeds
and a registrant is not able to attend because they are at risk of COVID-19 or
present a risk to others due to COVID-19, registration fees will also be

CBV Institute cannot
compensate for accommodation or travel costs should Congress be cancelled or should
a registrant be unable to attend. 
Congress hotel reservations are cancellable up to 72 hours before a scheduled

Cancellation Policy:

Before May 1, 2020 – 60% refund
After May 1, 2020 – no refund will be given however substitution of person to this congress will be permitted. Refunds will not be applied to future conferences.

[/accordion][accordion title="Hotel Information"]

Centre Toronto Hotel

Please book your hotel accommodations at the time of
registration as space is very limited.  This is peak time at the hotel and our room
block/hotel will sell out quickly.

The cut-off date for our congress rate is May 11, 2020. 

The following room rate is available and prices are based on
single & double occupancy rooms

  • $ 269.00 –
    Traditional room (single or double occupancy)

To book a room:  Book your group rate for CICBV National Conference

Or call toll free 1 888 627 7175 and state that you are part of
the CICBV National Conference group, pending room availability.

[/accordion][accordion title="Getting to Toronto"]

To book a flight with
your promotion code, access and enter your promotion code in the search


  • The booking is to be made to the following city: Toronto (YYZ & YTZ)
  • This Promo Code is available to the first 350 delegates who book their travel with Air Canada
  • The travel period begins June 2, 2020 and ends June 20, 2020.

No discount will apply
to Tango bookings for travel within Canada or between Canada and the U.S. The
discount rate is 10% on all other flights.


Porter Airlines is
proud to offer a 10% discount on available base fares (with the exception of
the lowest class fare during a public seat sale) for travel to and from the CBV
2020 Congress. The discounted fares are available for booking from January 8,
2020 to June 14, 2020 and available for travel from anywhere in Canada or US to
Toronto between June 9 – 14 2020.

Please book online at or through your travel agent using promo code “CBV20”.

Porter offers
complimentary in-flight snacks and beverages (including beer and wine), Gate
Porter service for carry-on and access to the Porter Lounge in Toronto where
free Wi-Fi and comfortable, leather seating is available.


VIA Rail is proud
to be a transportation participant for our Congress, and is offering a 10%
discount from June 7 – June 15, 2020 for all VIA stations to Toronto.  The discount applies to the best available
fare in Economy, Economy Plus, Business, Business Plus and Sleeper Class. 

PROMO CODE is: 14094

You have to log in
to your profile, or create one prior to booking at 

On the Passenger
information screen, select “Convention fare” from the “Discount Type”
drop-down menu, and enter the discount code 14094 in the “Discount code” field.
The conference fare will be shown on the next page.

[/accordion][accordion title="Congress Organizing Committee"]

Stephen Kertzman
Kertzman Valuations – Toronto

Michael Devonshire
BDO Canada LLP – Calgary

Brandon Lewis
White & Lewis Inc. – Toronto

Terence Crohn
Ernst & Young LLP – Calgary

Chris Polson
The Brattle Group – Toronto

Sophie Ngo
PwC – Vancouver

Michael Rudanycz
Sun Life Assurance – Toronto

Deborah Hanlon
CBV Institute

Catalina Miranda
CBV Institute

Patrick Ouimet
Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton LLP – Montreal

Eric Arnold
KPMG LLP – Toronto

Mark Weston
Davidson & Company – Vancouver

Patricia Harris

Ron Martindale Jr.
Davis Martindale -London/Toronto

Julien Goyette-Demers

Jennifer Samarco
OMERS – Toronto

Trevor Allibon
BDC Capital – Kanata

Christine Sawchuk
CBV Institute

[/accordion][accordion title="Sponsoring or Exhibiting"]

Sponsorship is a proven way to deliver the greatest marketing
impact possible and have your message reach attendees leading up to, during and
after the congress events.  Exhibiting
at, or sponsoring the 2019 CBV Institute Congress provides a great opportunity
for you to promote your organization and showcase your products and services to
our anticipated 500+ attendees.  Deadline
to sign up is April 1, 2020. 

2020 Sponsor/Exhibitor




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Calgary Workshop – Valuators and the Courts – CANCELLED

Join David Tupper (Partner at Blakes) as he discusses the role of the valuator in the courts, including best practices to assist council effectively and ensure that the valuator remains faithful to his duty to the court. David will also discuss his experiences and the lessons learned from his interactions with experts of the court.

Registration is limited to 30.  Register now to secure your spot!

Young Professionals in Valuation – Kitchener – EVENT POSTPONED

This networking event, hosted by the Young Professionals in Valuation, is a great opportunity to get to know your industry peers and grow your professional network in Kitchener and the surrounding area! Appetizers and drinks will be provided.  Register now to secure your spot at this must attend event as space is limited to the first 45 registrants.

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