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The February 28 date of this seminar is sold out.  This is the second offering of that seminar.

This 1-day seminar will deal with the income determination as follows:
1. The Basics
• Boot camp for valuators. Line 150 and the adjustments
2. Patterns and Non-Recurring Income and Losses
• is it income?
• size matters. is it wealth re-distribution?
• beware of the double dip
3. Capital or Income?
• what’s in, what’s out
4. Employees
• bonuses, deferred income, and benefits
5. Partners, Proprietors, Farmers
• cash and accrual accounting
• start up and other losses
• dealing with deductions
6. The Corporation
• piercing the corporate veil
• corporate income. Why the courts are less confused.
7. The Dollar You Didn’t Earn
• imputing income and other legal fictions

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