Business valuation is a fulcrum consideration in business transition. Business valuators who understand and can effectively participate in business transition – be it an arm’s length sale or generational business transition – are positioned to play one of the most important of the discipline-specific expert roles required in either of those processes. Ian R. Campbell, FCBV will discuss:
- business valuation as a business and business transition report card
- business valuation in our current new economic and financial markets normal, and how those things bear on business transition planning
- the role of business valuation experts in long-term business viability assessments, and the importance of those assessments in business transition
- the importance of communicating to clients the difference between stand-alone value and open market price in the context of business transition
- the role business valuation experts can play in strategic business planning and hence business transition
- the value-add an experienced business valuator can bring to the business transition table
This webinar will be of interest to business valuation experts (and many of their clients) who:
- are already involved in rendering business valuation opinions and advice in the context of business transition
- are not currently involved in business transition matters, but want to join what over the next twenty years may become the biggest “business party in town” .
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