Marsh Canada provides a professional liability insurance policy that has been designed specifically with the needs of Chartered Business Valuators (CBVs) in mind. CBVs are invited to compare the broad coverage and competitive quotes available under this policy.
Some highlights of the policy coverage are:
- Provision of professional services as a CBV anywhere in the world is included
- Defence of claims brought by third parties in any jurisdiction in the world – including the US
- Defence costs are paid by insurers in addition to the policy’s limit of liability
- No deductible is applicable to defence costs incurred by insurers
- Coverage for services provided prior to the policy effective date (Prior Acts) is included
- Outside directorship liability for positions held at any not-for-profit entity is included
- Cost to defend a disciplinary proceeding (sub-limited to $25,000 per claim/$100,000 aggregate in the policy term – subject to a deductible of $ 5,000 per claim) is included
- Expert Witness Testimony coverage is included
If you are interested in receiving a quotation for professional liability insurance, please complete
the online application by clicking on this link Accountants Professional Liability Quote | Marsh Canada. A quotation will usually be available within two business days of receipt.
If you have any additional questions, you can contact:
Theresa Mukoyi
Vice President | Commercial Programs
Marsh Canada
Phone: 416 349 6614