March 20, 2024

We are pleased to announce the recipients of CBV Institute’s 2024 Awards & Honours. Please join us in congratulating the following individuals and celebrating excellence in the business valuation profession!

FCBV Honours

The CBV Fellow designation, known as FCBV, was created to recognize CBVs who have brought distinction to the business valuation profession and achieved recognition, both professionally and in their communities. It is the highest designation the Institute confers.

In 2024, CBV Institute welcomed one more Fellow. We are pleased to announce that Richard Crosson has been admitted by CBV Institute’s Board of Directors to receive FCBV honours. Congratulations, Richard!

Richard Crosson
Crosson Valuation Inc.

I am so happy and honoured to receive my FCBV designation. It’s such a special milestone in my 35-year journey as a business valuator. Through shifting roles and firms, my constants have been family, friends, and my community of CBV peers. What a wonderful way to conclude the professional chapter of my life story and start the next one.

Top CBV Under 40 Award, in Memory of David Cornfield, CA, CBV

Each year, CBV Awards of Excellence recognize exceptional CBVs who have gone above and beyond, both professionally and in their communities. The Top CBV Under 40 Awards were created in memory of David Cornfield CA, CBV. This award recognizes outstanding service and success in a broad diversity of interests, while bringing distinction to the CBV profession.

It is our pleasure to announce that JT Dhoot is the recipient of the 2024 Top CBV Under 40 Award. Congratulations, JT!

Inderjot (JT) Dhoot
Founder & Principal
Omnis Valuations & Advisory Ltd.

It’s an immense privilege to receive the 2024 Top CBV Under 40 Award in memory of David Cornfield, CA, CBV.

Like many CBVs, I stumbled across the business valuation profession rather than having it mapped out in some master plan. Looking back at the thirteen years since I discovered the designation, I couldn’t be happier with the things I’ve learned and the people I’ve met, none of which would have been possible without the help of the CBV Institute and its passionate Members. My unconventional path to becoming a CBV and being recognized by my peers with this Award speaks to the strength of the CBV community, a group of professionals dedicated to business valuation excellence across increasingly diverse practice areas.

To my family, friends, colleagues and clients – thank you! No matter how big or small, favourable or adverse, I truly appreciate your contributions in shaping my professional journey

CBV Institute Ambassador of the Year

The CBV profession is a collaborative community of dedicated Members and Students, many of whom take an active role in assisting CBV Institute’s efforts to achieve professional excellence. The Ambassador of the Year Award pays tribute to an exceptional volunteer for distinguished service in advancing the Institute’s programs, services and goals.

The Institute is pleased to announce that Michael Rudanycz is the 2024 Ambassador of the Year. Congratulations, Michael!

Michael Rudanycz
Managing Director, Private Fixed Income
SLC Management

I am truly honored and grateful to be the recipient of the CBV Institute’s Ambassador of the Year Award for 2024. It has been a privilege to be part of the various committees developing and promoting the CBV profession by organizing topics, finding/selecting speakers for the Connect Annual Conference and webinars, and selecting papers for the Research Task Force. In addition, I have been honored to act as a judge for the Business Valuation Case Competition Challenge to build and foster relationships with students at the university level. I am grateful to be a part of the CBV community which has provided me with personal and professional growth, and I look forward to continuing to contribute in the future.

Scholastic Achievement Award

The Scholastic Achievement Award, in honour of Ronald Scott, CBV, celebrates the individual who achieved the highest average score on all required courses in the CBV Program of Studies.

Congratulations go out to Hugo Ouimet, this year’s recipient of the Scholastic Achievement Award for excellence in the 2023 CBV Program of Studies.

Hugo Ouimet
Manager, Consulting & Deals

I am honored to be the recipient of this year’s Scholastic Achievement Award. The CBV program has been extremely valuable in my academic and professional development. I look forward to applying the knowledge acquired over the past two years to my daily job. I am proud to be a CBV, and I want to thank the CBV Institute for this very special recognition.

I am also grateful for the unwavering support of my family, friends, and PwC colleagues over the course of this journey. Congratulations to all candidates who completed the program this year and to the recipients of the other awards & honors.


As in previous years, we will be hosting our annual Awards & Honours ceremony virtually in June. Details to follow shortly. We hope you can join us!

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