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The information age has matured beyond the point where simply making information available is enough. Now the focus is on whether information is understandable. Indeed, numerous stakeholders are on record saying that receiving information in plain language is a fundamental right, and more and more governments (not to mention judges and clients) are requiring businesses and professionals to use plain language. In this webinar we’ll look at the implications of this trend on professionals – both in terms of the burdens and benefits. We’ll also discuss the three pillars of plain language: style, organization and layout, and we’ll look at how you can apply them in your writing so you can craft documents that are clear, well-organized, and appropriate for the intended audience.

Ingrid Sapona is a trained journalist and lawyer (a member of the New York and Ontario bars) and since 1997 she has been working with professionals, creating communications that satisfy strategic business and regulatory requirements. Using plain language principles, she measures success by whether people understand the issue or idea the first time they read a document because if they do, they’re more likely to act on it.

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