Young CBVs today face significant challenges on their paths to success. Jobs are harder to find, work pressures make it harder to achieve a work-life balance, competition makes developing a client base difficult, and existing clients are increasingly more demanding, among other challenges. Conforming to traditional conventions of how a CBV’s career should evolve may not lead to perceptible success. What is needed is a fresh perspective on what it takes for young professionals to succeed and to make their mark in the world. At just 35, Mr. Damien Steel is Director of OMERS Ventures, the venture capital arm of OMERS, one of Canada’s largest pension funds with nearly $61 billion in net assets. Mr. Steel’s success at such a young age is remarkable. Join us as Mr. Steel shares his candid insights into what strategies helped him get to where is today, and how he dealt with adversity along the way. Mr. Steel will also discuss his views on what opportunities exist for CBVs in the venture capital space, and what CBVs might do to take advantage of such opportunities.
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