CBV Online Learning

In this robust two-part certificate program, you will learn fundamental valuation principles and methodologies, and how they can be applied in the specialized area of VFR.

Jointly presented by Chartered Business Valuators Institute (CBV Institute) and CPA Canada.

Our current economic environment presents distinct and often complex challenges. Enhance your core knowledge and skills in the areas of valuation and VFR.

Part 1 focuses on foundational valuation principles and methodologies, while Part 2 covers VFR, with more advanced topics such as the valuation of intangible assets and impairment issues. Throughout both parts of the course, you will have the ability to demonstrate the application of the material using knowledge checks and in-depth case studies.

The program is designed to meet the needs of a broad range of professionals involved with VFR activities, including:

  • controllers
  • analysts
  • auditors
  • accountants
  • financial executives

Study the core concepts of valuation and VFR with this comprehensive and up-to-date curriculum.

Individuals who successfully complete the two-part Valuation for Financial Reporting (VFR) certificate will receive an exemption from CBV Institute’s Valuation for Financial Reporting elective course.

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