Les CBV sont des experts dans leur domaine. Les articles et les documents suivants ont été rédigés par des CBV, plusieurs articles ayant été présentés dans diverses publications nationales. Pour toute demande d’information ou pour coordonner une entrevue avec un expert CBV en évaluation, veuillez contacter :

Kevin Floether
Gestionnaire des communications

Best practices for Quality of Earnings reports
When the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Business Valuation of Social Enterprise: Exploring current understandings and alternatives
Around the world in eighty valuations: A Research Study of Differences in the Approach to and Application of Business Valuation Theory and Methodology from Different Regions Around the World 
Credibility Under Scrutiny: A Research Study of the Weight Placed on Expert Valuation and Damages Evidence in Canadian Court Judgments
The Recent Evolution of Expert Evidence in Selected Common Law Jurisdictions Around the World
Putting the Pin in Net Working Capital: Important Value Implications for M&A Transactions
The Recent Evolution of Expert Evidence in Selected Common Law Jurisdictions Around the World
Do Cash Flows of Growth Stocks Really Grow Faster
CREDIBILITY UNDER SCRUTINY: A Research Study of the weight Placed on Expert Valuation and Damages Evidence in Canadian Court Judgments
Discipline or Disruption? Stakeholder Relationships and the Effect of Takeover Threat
Are We In For a Market Shock?
Cross Listing Waves and the Search for Value Gains
Control Premiums: Evidence Against Market Integration
Private Equity Returns and Disclosure around the world
The Valuation of Canadian Income Trusts: Do Investors See Through Distributable Cash Management?
Size Premia in the Canadian Equity Market
Industry-Specific Human Capital, Idiosyncratic Risk and the Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns
Do Voting Rights Affect Institutional Investment Decisions?Evidence from Dual-Class Firms 
How Reliable is Non-cash Working Capital Reported on the cash Flow Statement? 
Why do firms going public raise too much financing?
Dividends & Stock Valuation (Foerster/Sapp)
Mutual Funds Report
Goodwill Impairment – Discussion Paper

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