Thank you for registering for CONNECT 2025
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CONNECT 2025 is taking place in Toronto, ON June 12 & 13 at the Westin Harbour Castle. 

Early Bird Registration Deadline


Join us in person at the signature event of CBV Institute dedicated to leadership in business valuation. Get the latest thinking and insights to advance valuation expertise and confront an ever-changing business environment. Global registration is open to CBVs and Students, other valuation professionals, business leaders and interested professional associations and organizations.  

CONNECT 2025 will feature: 

  • Diverse topics, technical business valuation content and cutting edge thinking on trends impacting business and the valuation profession 
  • Expert speakers, stimulating keynotes, engaging panel discussions and Q&A’s 
  • Networking with peers to make new professional connections 
  • Upskill opportunities to learn and ignite professional development, while earning CPD hours 

Registration for CONNECT 2025 unlocks access to two days of informative, thought-provoking sessions. At the time of registration, there’s added flexibility to choose from one of three sessions happening simultaneously in the subject area of most interest to you: Business Valuation, Litigation or Deals. Plus, get online video access after the event to any sessions that CBV Institute received authorization to record. All for one price! 

Fees and Deadlines


Regular pricing – $ 1,175 + HST (Includes in-person access to presentations at Connect, and archived sessions after the event)

Early Bird Registration Discount (register by May 16, 2025): $ 200

Cancellation Policy:
  • Before May 15, 2025 – 60% refund
  • After May 15, 2025 – no refund will be given however substitution of person to this congress will be permitted.

Refunds will not be applied to future conferences.

Select Your Sessions

My Congress Selections

To complete your registration, you must select the sessions you want to attend. You will automatically be enrolled in the session for time slots where there are no options. The deadline to make changes is May 12, 2025

Your session selection has been made and can be changed any time up until May 12, 2025.

Hotel Information 

Hotel space at the Westin Harbour Castle is limited for CONNECT 2025.  We encourage you to book your reservation as soon as possible.  Rates per night are $449+ taxes for a traditional room.  The cutoff date to book your reservation, pending availability, is Friday, May 16, 2025. 

Attendees can make their reservations by calling in toll-free at 1-888-627-8559 and stating that they are part of the Chartered Business Valuators Institute Congress or simply quoting the group code ‘CBV’.   

Book your room at the Westin Harbour Castle with CONNECT 2025 group rate  

Sponsorship & Exhibiting

Is your firm looking to recruit CBVs now or in the future? 
Is your firm hoping to grow awareness of its business valuation practice? 
Does your firm provide a tool, product or service that would be of interest to CBVs? 
If you answered yes to any of the above, you’ll want to partner with us. 

Sponsoring CONNECT 2025 provides a great opportunity for you to promote your organization and showcase your services to our anticipated 500+ attendees. Deadline to become a Sponsor or Exhibitor is April 30, 2025. Please contact  for more information. 



CONNECT for a Cause

For almost 40 years, Daily Bread Food Bank has been running innovative programs that support individuals living on low income and those experiencing food insecurity. Recognizing that hunger is a symptom of poverty and a systemic issue at its core, Daily Bread’s goal is to activate the collective power of community to create a city in which every person can afford the food they need.   Daily Bread distributes fresh and shelf-stable food, and fresh-cooked meals to 193 food programs through 128 member agencies across Toronto. Last year, Daily Bread supported nearly 1.68 million food bank visits, distributed over 18.6 million pounds of food, and prepared and delivered over 135,000 meal servings to our member agencies throughout Toronto.

Food bank usage continues to rise at an alarming rate. Daily Bread Food Bank is serving three times as many individuals each month as they did prior to the pandemic – over 215,000 visits in February 2023 alone and 2.07 million visits over the past 12 months.  Donate here.

Congress Organizing Committee

Business Valuation Litigation Deals

Michael Sherlock
Jake Dwhytie
Michael Rudanycz
Sun Life Capital Management
Paul Mandel
Matthew Krofchick
Krofchick Valuations 
Vince Raso
Michael Daniels
Doane Grant Thornton
Rachel Ryman
Michael De Ciantis
Harshal Maitrani
Jacob Martin
Cohen Hamilton Steger
Jennifer Samarco
Adam Johnson
Synthesis Valuation 
Shalabh Gupta
Hao Zheng
Manning Elliott  LLP
Reena Devarajan

Terms and Conditions

The information, analysis and opinions expressed in the webinars, podcasts and/or congress presentations are solely those of the presenter/author, are not reviewed by the Institute as to content or accuracy, and are not endorsed by CBV Institute or any of its Members.

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Event Summary

Location Westin Harbour Castle
Date Jun 12-13, 2025
Cost 1175.00
Early Bird Discount 200.00
Subtotal 975.00
Taxes 126.75
Total 1101.75

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