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During the past year, the CICBV has issued a Practice Bulletin providing guidance on the types of valuation reports to assist in: (i) determining the scope of work that is appropriate for each of three types of Valuation Reports; (ii) determining the suitability of the three types of Valuation Reports for various purposes; and (iii) assessing the impact of the availability of information on the type of Valuation Report to be prepared.  There have also been minor changes to the guidance included in the Code of Ethics.  On the international front, the International Valuation Standards Council, of which the CICBV is a member organization, continues to be active in issuing valuation standards, guidance and issuing exposure drafts and discussion papers on various valuation matters.

The CICBV is in the process of revising its courses as well as the requirements of the Program of Studies.  These changes will expand the range of topics covered in the mandatory courses, eliminate other topics and reduce the number of elective courses offered to three.

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