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There’s no stopping the proliferation and momentum of tech/knowledge-based start-ups in the Canadian ecosystem, and that’s an overwhelmingly positive development. Start-up’s and fledgling, evolving companies represent significant potential future client pipeline for accounting professionals.  Engaging them, to help them through some early challenges, like forecasting and supporting fundraising/capitalization objectives, presents a tremendous opportunity to solidify a long-term relationship.   Start-up Founders typically need to raise equity capital to support their launch and growth, and frequently seek CBV support to help guide them through negotiations with investors, be they family/friends, angels or venture capitalists.  The valuation exercise is more difficult the younger the company is, and the lack of historical data and uncertainty about revenue, cash flows and growth rate make use of the discounted cash flow (DCF) method for valuing early stage start-ups largely untenable.

In this webinar, we explore a number of alternative methods and models for valuing early-stage companies, most often used by venture capitalists who negotiate with start-up Founders, in the context of equity investment.  These methods may also be potentially employed for succession planning, marital/partner dissolution with asset division, or M&A activities.

Click here for more information.

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