Tous les événements

This webinar provides an overview of recent developments affecting CBVs involved in litigation support and a refresher on the legal and regulatory contexts shaping our profession.

The recent Ontario Superior Court of Justice decision in Moore v. Getahun (2014 ONSC 237) has brought to the forefront the issue of communications between legal counsel and independent experts, particularly with respect to report drafting and preparation for testimony at trial.  Richard Wise and Catherine Tremblay will discuss potential issues raised by this case, even as it is being appealed and the CICBV has filed a Factum as an Intervenor in the Appeal, for which submissions have also been made by the Advocates’ Society and other associations of lawyers.   They will also provide an overview of rules applicable to expert evidence in Ontario and examine recent guidance relating to the use of draft reports in Canada as well as proposed changes in the United States with respect to the retention of draft reports in litigation matters.

The views expressed in this webinar are those of the presenters and not the CICBV.

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